PurpleOne Training

Join The Nonprofit Partnership and Safe Journey on Tuesday, March 4 for PurpleOne domestic violence awareness training.
PurpleOne was created to unite communities against domestic violence. You can make a difference by learning how to recognize, respond to and refer victims of domestic violence.
This course led by Lori Palisin, Executive Director of Safe Journey, and Michelle Evan, Program Director, is a vital step in creating a safer, more supportive community.
What You’ll Learn:
- Recognize: Understand the signs of domestic violence and its impact.
- Respond: Safely and effectively intervene using best practices in bystander intervention.
- Refer: Connect victims to the two state-recognized domestic violence agencies in Erie County.
Businesses and organizations with trained individuals can apply to become a Safe Place for Domestic Violence Victims, displaying the PurpleOne Dot as a beacon of safety and support.
Take action and be part of the solution.
All participants must complete the Release Agreement. The agreement can be found here. Upon registration, Kensley with NPP will contact you to collect your agreement, or please reach out directly to submit by emailing ksemple@yournpp.org.
Members of The Nonprofit Partnership are encouraged to attend. Registration begins at $15 for NPP members, and $50 for non-members.
Light breakfast snacks and lunch will be provided.